Pluto’s primary theme is deep transformation, something old must “die” to make way for something new to emerge. Among other things, Aquarius is associated with the future of the human collective. Pluto in Aquarius signifies a collective challenge to use positive knowledge to create a world wide society dedicated to uplifting all of humanity.
As I have read, thought, and written about Pluto in Aquarius over the past year or so, the lyrics of “We are the World” kept running through my mind. I have come to believe this amazing song is the perfect anthem for Pluto in Aquarius. Perhaps its message is more relevant today than it was in 1985.
We are the World tells us that it does not matter where we’re from, our status, the color of our skin, whether we’re young or old, spiritual, religious or atheist, we are all humans, we are all the same and we are all part of “God’s great big family.” With Pluto now fully entrenched in Aquarius until 2044, we can no longer pretend that everything is ok.
Horoscope for the Recording of We are the World

We are the World was recorded on January 28, 1985 in Hollywood California. With the Sun at 8° 51’ Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for that degree is “A flag turned into an eagle.” says on this symbol:
Aquarius 9 (8° – 9°)
It is not enough to have a dream, we must also
take action to make it come true
“Becoming the change, you want to see in the world”
It is not enough to envision the future, even with clear intention; we must act. We must take affirmative action and, as Gandhi says, ‘become the change we want to see in the world’. Doing is required, thinking is not sufficient. In this way we come to change who we are at a fundamental level, without which nothing significant will ever change externally.
You can watch The Greatest Night in Pop documentary on Netflix now.