Capricorn, the light bringer, is symbolized by the sea goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and tail of a fish.
This imagery speaks to Capricorn’s unique abilities: Capricorns are skilled at navigating both the material and emotional realms.
The Winter Solstice Welcomes the Bringer of Light
“The winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable, like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of it cocoon, bursting forth into unexpected glory.” – Gary Zukav
The Sun returns to Capricorn on the Solstice, is reborn, and begins its yearly journey to bring more and more light to the world.
Capricorn Season Horoscope: Dec. 21, 2024
Flexibility is Key During Capricorn Season
Capricorn Season 2024 begins with a mutable grand cross that reflects thoughtful emotional adjustment (Moon in Virgo) and finding peace with the unknown (Saturn in Pisces) as you reflect on and redefine your beliefs (Jupiter Rx in Gemini), reorient yourself to truth and boldly express thoughts and ideas (Mercury in Sagittarius).
In other words, Capricorn Season 2024-25 suggests a need to develop the ability to “filter through” the overwhelming amount of information and external stimuli you encounter everyday, take things apart, see them in a broader context, discern fantasy from reality, truth from deception, and fact from fiction.
While the Moon in Virgo will move on, the square between Saturn and Jupiter Rx becomes exact again on December 24, and on December 26th Mercury is exactly opposite Jupiter Rx. This forms a T-square that remains active throughout the Christmas season.
The challenge of the T-square comes from Saturn in Pisces. Which speaks of building the future you dream of. Take Saturn seriously, because it can lead those willing to engage with their innermost selves deep into the mystery and magic of Christmas 2024– the birth of the new light in the darkness.
Merry Christmas!!!
Even though the beliefs you’ve always thought to be true are being shaken and you’re uncertain about the future, this Christmas gives you the opportunity to reflect on what’s really important and matters to you.
Life will get a bit more challenging following Christmas, because on December 27th, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces, and Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus Taurus on December 28th. These challenges happen during the Balsamic Moon in Sagittarius. Your task is to find value in your objectivity as you sort through what’s getting in the way of your ability to deeply examine and challenge the truth of your beliefs and principles. And then let go of whatever is getting your way.
New Moon in Capricorn ~ December 30, 2024
The Sabian Symbol for this Capricorn New Moon
The Sabians are a set of 360-phase symbols that correspond to each degree of the zodiac. They were channeled by spiritualist-medium Elsie Wheeler and written down by astrologer Marc Edmund Jones. The Sabian symbol for this Capricorn New Moon is Capricorn 10: “An albatross feeding from the hand.”
Sabian Symbol Specialist Blain Bovee says of this Capricorn New Moon degree:
“The key is kindness. A little give and take. Composed, calm and kindly as if gracefully suspended in air, the albatross can give and receive without going too far… or not far enough. Some will be very sensitive regarding which side of the equation they perceive themselves to be.”
Happy New Year!!!
The year 2025 offers some profound astrological shifts, a change of energy, and the feeling of a new world, a new era, a new season of our lives, both individually and collectively.
- Lunar Nodes move into Pisces/Virgo
- Jupiter enters Cancer
- Uranus dips into Gemini
- Saturn and Neptune enter Aries
- Venus retrograde (Aries/Pisces)
2025 is Pluto’s first full year in Aquarius. And on January 2nd, Mars Rx in Leo will reach the opposition to Pluto in Aquarius and Venus leaves objective Aquarius for compassionate Pisces. Which could mean the mood at the New Year will be relatively sober, melancholy, and somewhat charged.
This is an excellent time to find a quiet space and look back at your actions during the past year and find compassion for yourself as well as the suffering of others. The conclusions that arise from this could cause some inner tension, still, they could also be more compelling than you’d expect and show you which path to take during the coming year.
On January 6, 2025, when Mars Rx leaves Leo and backs into Cancer, you’ll begin reflecting on actions taken since early September 2024. Then on January 8th when Mercury enters Capricorn, you’ll have the urge to be more thoughtful and strategic in what you’re thinking and saying.
Full Moon in Cancer ~ January 13, 2025
“At the Full Moon, you become aware that you can’t do this alone; you need the cooperation of others and the sharing of information to reach your goal. During this phase, you re-evaluate your future and reach a compromise between your expectations and reality.” Read More
The 2025 Cancer Full Moon conjunct Mars Rx in Cancer could release a surge of inner emotional intensity as you re-evaluate your past loyalties and actions. Mars Rx in Cancer exactly trine Neptune in Pisces, seems to indicate you’ll be revisiting themes from the end of October and the beginning of November 2024.
On January 14th a Venus in Pisces Square Jupiter Rx in Gemini challenges you to ask yourself, are you behaving compassionately or are you being led by past overblown information.
Capricorn Sun Opposite Mars Rx in Cancer
The Sun will be exactly opposite Mars Rx in Cancer on January 15th. The Sun’s opposition is the most critical part of Mars’ retrograde journey. It’s the halfway point and represents a turning point that can expose any repressed problems and unresolved turmoil.
Then on January 17 through 19th the Sun in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces, Venus in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces, and Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Venus in Pisces.
Take this period of time to slow down and use the more disciplined mind set and emotional depth available on these days to do an honest self-evaluation and relieve some tension.
Aquarius Season begins on January 19th 0r 20th (depending on your time zone.)