Secrets From a Stargazer’s Notebook: Book Review

1982 Bantam Books Paperback

“This book was written in the howling night hours in London, New York, San Diego, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Fort Lauderdale, Munich, and the wild woods of Main Line Philadelphia.

Musical aids were provided by Dr. John Nighttripper, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, and Tubular Bells.” 

~ Debbi Kempton Smith, Secrets of a Stargazer’s Notebook (Acknowledgments)

Secrets From a Stargazer’s Notebook, written by Debbi Kempton Smith is “an all-time irreverent cult classic.” It first electrified the astrology community with its wit, insight and depth in 1982 when it was published as a Bantam paperback. It now has a revised paperback edition with new tables, 1930-2030, as well as new chapters and new planets. (Bantam Books 1982-1997; revised edition, Topquark Press 1999-present).

This “Irreverent” Book has Stood the Test of Time

I have been a student of astrology for many, many years, and have many shelves of astrology books. But this book has always stood out as a favorite!! Why? Because Debbi writes in a witty, and somewhat irreverent style that’s fun to read!

She writes of “Venus’ sleazy sex and eternal love” and about “mad man Mars and his fiery fits of frenzy.” Related to eclipses and relationships she writes: “keep your cotton-pickin’ hands to yourself till you count one, two, three days after the eclipse, if you want the romance to count.” She calls the 12 houses “Dark Enchantments at the Gazebos Twelve Unit Motel.” And equates entering a void-of-course Moon to “entering the twilight zone.”

Debbi even writes about using Astrocartography when you travel to find out where to go to find love and pleasure and where to avoid violence. As an example, she says your “Pluto line shows places where powers beyond your control hold sway. J.F.K.’s Pluto line runs through Dallas.” 

Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook covers the basics of the planets and signs, tells you when to spot love, lust, or a beautiful friendship. It contains timing tricks to win at nearly everything. Want to know when to buy and when to sell or when to get away from it all, or how to discover secret starry shortcuts? If you do, this book could “Rock You!

It’s a great book for astrological beginners, who need to know that astrology can be fun and entertaining and still advance their knowledge of astrology. But even seasoned astrologers can find many nuggets that they may not have thought of.  

About Debbi Kempton Smith

In addition to Debbi Kempton Smith’s best seller, A Stargazer’s Notebook, her articles have appeared in diverse publications – Mother Jones, The Vegetarian Gazette, Traveler’s USA Notebook, Popular Photography, PC Mag, The New Yorker and Glamour as well as various astrological publications. She was also a social activist and a member of Mensa. Debbi was born in April of 1959 (Birth Chart below) and passed on February 7, 2018. In her will, she left a note for all whose life, one way or another, she touched.

“Cheer up! For I love you all very Much! I’ll be waiting for you all in the next world… But please don’t rush… It is a more imaginative galaxy here, but they don’t have nachos.”

Debbi Kempton Smith’s Birth Chart
Debbi Kempton Smith was born April 16, 1950 at 1:16 Am EST New York, New York (Rodden Rating B – Porphyry House System)

Debbi has her Aries Sun and Moon in her 3rd house and an Aries North node. Aries loves to keep things interesting and lighthearted, and has an irreverent sense of humor. Debbi used her sharp wit and her cheeky sense of humor in her writing (3rd house). Still with Mars in Virgo and Mercury in Taurus she could get straight to the point and make it easy for others to understand what she was saying.

The Metropolitan Atlanta Astrological Society Library

The Metropolitan Atlanta Astrological Society’s Library is open on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 7:00 – 7:30p ET at the M.A.A.S. / Rene Goodale Learning Center, 2054 Harobi Drive, Tucker, GA 30084. MAAS has books to sell (for everyone) and to borrow (members only) in our library. The MAAS’ library has over a thousand books, so if you’re looking for a book we might be able to help, email MAAS at and ask.






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