Genetic Memories, Reincarnation, Past Lives, and the Lunar Nodes

DNA Double Helix

“As our solar system travels through the Milky Way, the orbital motion of the planets around our Sun and Moons around our planets trace out nested helical motion paths that look remarkably similar to a DNA Double Helix.”

DNA Memory

In the 1988 movie Altered States, a research scientist (played by William Hurt) dives deep into his subconscious and genetic roots. In doing this, he not only relives the ancient experiences of his ancestors but is actually changed on the biological level.

This film was reportedly based on the real-life research of prominent psychologists and medical researchers of the 1960s and 1970s who used “isolation tanks and pharmacological triggers” to access deep DNA memories and experiences. 

Science and Generational Memory   

A team at the Emory University School of Medicine say that animal studies suggest that behavior can be affected by events in previous generations which have been passed on through a form of genetic memory.  

“Prof Marcus Pembrey, from University College London, said the findings were “highly relevant to phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders” and provided “compelling evidence” that a form of memory could be passed between generations.”~ BBC News – Memories’ Pass Between Generations. 

The idea that memories of our ancestors are stored in our genes has been around since the experiments of Neurologist, Wilder Penfield, who while stimulating the brain found that hidden away in each of us is a permanent record of our past. Penfield thought a lot about the mystery of the mind, and continued until his death “to contemplate and question whether there is a scientific basis for the existence of the human soul.”

This idea is similar to the belief of past lives and reincarnation, but focuses on the previous lives that are based on genetic memories encoded on the DNA helix within us.


Could these DNA memories also be encoded in our birth charts? 

Personal Note: I often began a first consultation by telling my client I was going to tell them a story that would relate to their life in some way. Many times the client would respond “that sounds like my mother’s story.” (I often thought that my chart told my mothers story.) All this led me to believe our ancestral memory is encoded in the birth chart.

Reincarnation is an Ancient Doctrine

Reincarnation, the belief that the soul of a man or woman who has died will later be born again into another physical body, is an ancient doctrine. Plato (c. 428–348 B.C.E.) Cicero (106–43 B.C.E.) and Plotinus (205–270 C.E.), the great Greek philosophers, all allude to reincarnation in many of their essays.

Reincarnation is accepted as a reality in Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and certain mystical sects in Judaism and Islam. However, reincarnation is not an approved doctrine in any of the orthodox Christian, Islamic, or Judaic religions, which all hold fast to the belief that there is but one lifetime, one “Day of Judgment,” and a heavenly resurrection of the body for the righteous.

Reincarnation in The Bible

In the early days of Christianity, even the Church’s greatest leaders, such as St. Clement of Alexandria (150–215 C.E.) and the Christian philosopher St. Augustine (354–430 C.E.) stated their beliefs in the soul’s pre-existence


It can also be argued that even the Bible speaks of reincarnation. Below are the most well-known passages that establish John the Baptist was a reincarnation of Elijah:

“See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before
me. Then suddenly the LORD you are seeking will come to his
temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will
come,” says the LORD Almighty. Malachi 3:1

See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and
dreadful day of the LORD comes.” Malachi 4:5

But the angel said to him, “do not be afraid, Zechariah; your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John…And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah…to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:13,17

In these verses, Jesus assures his disciples that John the Baptist was Elijah returned:

“But I tell you, Elijah has come, and they have done to him
everything they wished, just as it is written about him.” Mark 9:13

“For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And if
you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.” Matt 11:13-14

“But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not
recognize him…” Then the disciples understood that he was
talking to them about John the Baptist. Matt 17:12-13


In “Religion and Immortality” G. Lowes Dickinson, a British political scientist and philosopher, presents his view that reincarnation offers:

 “…a really consoling idea that our present capacities are determined by our previous actions and that our present actions again will determine our future character.” Such a philosophy liberates people from the bonds of an external fate and places them in charge of their destiny: If we have formed here a beautiful relationship, it will not perish at death, but be perpetuated, albeit unconsciously, in some future life. If we have developed a faculty here, it will not be destroyed, but will be the starting point of later developments. Again, if we suffer…from imperfections and misfortunes, it would be consoling to believe that these were punishments of our own acts in the past, not mere effects of the acts of other people or of an indifferent nature over which we have no control.”

Not all reincarnation theories attribute one’s position in this life to Karma (cause and effect). Some who accept reincarnation believe our soul chooses each lifetime’s obstacles and limitations so that it can learn, grow, and evolve by experiencing them, overcoming them, and learning from them.

Past Lives and the Lunar Nodes

My own first experience with past life regression was also my first experience with hypnosis. I was invited by my psychotherapist friend to attend a weekend workshop on hypnosis. The workshop leader asked us to participate in a group past-life hypnosis session. This was many years ago, and I now see that weekend as a turning point in my life.

This was before astrology … but quickly led to studying astrology … which eventually led me to studying the Lunar Nodes … which in turn led to me to place a great deal of thought on the Nodes during private consultations with clients i.e. Evolutionary Astrology

The Conundrum of the Lunar Nodes

The Lunar Nodes gave me a better understanding of the “Whys” in life. Be it DNA memory or reincarnation, our stations and problems in life are not simply random. I now believe the “why” of a life is revealed in the conundrum of an individual’s Lunar Nodes. 

You could say the Lunar Nodes are the theme of your story and the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, planets, signs, and houses in a horoscope are the context and plot of your story. 

As an Example: If your South Node is Leo and your North Node Aquarius the theme of your story would be in some way analogous to Mark Twain’s “The Prince and the Pauper.” Your conundrum in life is how to balance your innate feeling of privilege with an awareness of equality and how others are also special, and in doing so come to realize that true nobility comes from within, and not from your or anyone’s social status or wealth. 

Mastering Your South and North Node

The potential of the Lunar Nodes is activated when we carry the wisdom of the past and we march towards the mystery of the future with our hearts and minds open. The wisdom of the past is integrated into the wisdom learned through the present moment, and they do not let each other exaggerate, they do not let each other dominate or swallow us whole.

Just like the symbol of yin and yang – a dynamic balance.

But we came into this life with only one element, on a quest to add the opposite one and feel the magic they can create when they blend.

When you are able to use the wisdom of both sides, when both of the opposing styles feel comfortable and natural, that’s when you know you became the master of your Lunar Nodes.

~ Diana Sab, The Voice of the Sacred

The Value of the Lunar Nodes

A belief in the existence of past lives is not a prerequisite for using the Lunar Nodes. If this is not something you or your client believe, you can think of the South Node’s story as DNA memories or “unconscious memories of early childhood experiences.” 

The great value of studying the Lunar Nodes is that insights can be gained into current behavior patterns. A significant amount of healing may result from understanding and releasing negative habit patterns. A turning point in the current life direction is made when a person understands and appreciates how unconscious early life, past life and/or genetic memories may be shaping their present life. This knowledge can help us overcome present obstacles, understand phobias, resolve relationship issues and embrace our innate South Node talents and North Node’s soul mission in a more positive way.  

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