Before Planets, Signs, Houses, and Aspects, Check Out Chart Patterns

Planets, signs, houses and aspects, Oh MY! Chart interpretation is a complex matter. Still before getting into all the nitty-gritty details it’s a good idea to just look at the horoscope and check for any patterns. Patterns are important, regardless of the planets, signs, houses, or aspects involved. Why? Because they’ll give you a general idea of an individual’s tendencies. 

Below are some things you should look at and consider before you delve into the nitty-gritty. They can provide a jump start into your chart interpretation. 

  • The weight of the hemispheres 
  • The horoscope’s shape; how the planets are distributed around the wheel 
  • The chart’s dominating element and modality

The Hemispheres  

The four chart angles divide the horoscope into Hemispheres; North, South, East, and West. The angles or directions are determined by the time and location of birth. The hemispheres add definition to how an individual engages with life.

Northern Hemisphere Emphasis

Locate the horizon line in your chart — the horizontal line runs from the ascendant to the descendant this splits the chart into Northern and Southern hemispheres. 

If seven or more planets are above the horizon, the person is an extrovert, who looks to the external world for endorsement. This individual has a desire for recognition and is comfortable in the external world. 

Garth Brooks Birth Chart 

A good example is Garth Brooks, who was born on February 7, 1962 in Tulsa, Oklahoma at 1:07 PM (Rodden Rating A)   

Garth Brooks: February 7, 1962 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at 1:07 PM (Rodden Rating A)

Note: All the Aquarius planets are in the 9th house which gives some weight to the Western hemisphere (read below). Also read Garth Brooks’ “People Loving People” Aquarius Stellium.

Southern Hemisphere Emphasis 

If seven or more planets are below that line, it indicates that the person is an introvert, who is introspective, seeks privacy, personal fulfillment, and has an aversion to being in the limelight. 

Julia Roberts Birth Chart 

A good example is Julia Roberts. Julia Roberts may be one of the most recognizable stars in the world. But she’s created private havens for herself that are low-key and paparazzi-free. Her private life is seldom in the spotlight. Julia Roberts was born on October 28, 1967 at 12:16 AM, in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Julia Roberts: October 28, 1967 at 12:16 AM, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Western Hemisphere Emphasis 

Locate the vertical line that divides the chart along the meridian line – the IC and MC – This line splits the chart between eastern and western hemispheres.

A  western hemisphere emphasis implies a dependence on circumstances and a willingness to accommodate others. 

Serena Williams Birth Chart 

Serena Williams, one of the greatest tennis players of all time, has all of her planets on the western hemisphere. This implies she needs and is willing to cooperate with other people to achieve her personal aims. 

Serena was born on September 26, 1981 at 10:28 PM in Saginaw, Michigan (Rodden Rating AA)

Eastern Hemisphere Emphasis 

A majority of planets in the eastern hemisphere suggests independence and a self-starter mentality. These individuals respond to circumstances and don’t depend on others. 

Beyoncé Knowles’ Birth Chart  

Beyoncé was lead singer of the girl group Destiny’s Child before she broke away and went on to became a star in her own right.  Rolling Stone named her one of the greatest vocalists of all time. Beyoncé  has all her planets in the eastern hemisphere.  She was born on September 4, 1981 at 10:00 PM, in Houston, Texas. 

Beyoncé Knowles: September 4, 1981 at 10:00 PM, in Houston, Texas.

Horoscope Pattern Analysis 

Pioneered by astrologer Marc Edmund Jones in his Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, horoscope pattern analysis is the way the planets are scattered around the chart wheel. Regardless of which planets and signs are involved or where on the horoscope the pattern appears, if you note a distinct shape, pay attention, because it says a lot about the person’s characteristics and attitude to life. 

The Bundle

When all of the planets are concentrated within four signs or about 120° (a trine), it’s called a bundle chart. 

Sylvester Stallone’s Birth Chart  

This pattern, shown in the birth chart of Sylvester Stallone, grants the person a clear focus, firm interests, confidence, and personal strength. Astroseek says individuals with this bundle pattern “give the impression of a “superhero” or “super heroine.” 

Sylvester Stallone has appeared in dozens of different roles as the superhero. Stallone was born on July 6, 1946 at 7:20 PM, in New York, New York. 

Sylvester Stallone: July 6, 1946 at 7:20 PM, in New York, New York.

Note that Stallone has a Northern Hemisphere emphasis.   

The Bowl

When the planets in a horoscope cover more than 120° but no more than 180°, it’s a bowl chart. This is a highly motivating pattern that often creates a frustrating feeling that something is missing… combined with a determination to fill that void. Astroseek says: “This horoscope shape is associated with interpersonal relationships. In addition to the theme of Me and You, it also involves the theme of Me and the Rest of the World.” A good example is Donald Trump. 

Donald Trump’s Birth Chart 

Note the Eastern Hemisphere emphasis (see above). Also read Donald Trump and Narcissistic Personality Disorder written by Brian Hill

The Bucket

A bucket chart is like a bowl except that one planet (or two in close conjunction) is separated from the rest. That singleton planet or conjunction is the handle of the bucket, and becomes the focus of the chart. This planet commands attention and its needs are always paramount. By sign and by house, it acts as a counterweight to the rest of the chart. 

Taylor Swift’s Birth Chart

Taylor Swifts was born on December 14, 1989, in West Reading, Pennsylvania at 8:26 AM. 

Note the weight of the Eastern Hemisphere (see above). Also read: Taylor Swift Is Flexing Her Muscles

The Locomotive

When the ten planets in a horoscope lineup in two-thirds of the zodiac, as shown in the birth chart of Oprah Winfrey, the person is driven and has stamina and practicality. The two most important planets are the first and the last: the locomotive, which leads the parade of planets when the chart is rotated in a clockwise direction, and the caboose, which picks up the rear.

Oprah Winfrey’s Birth Chart 

Oprah Winfrey, born on January 29, 1954, in Kosciusko, Mississippi at 4:30 AM, has a Locomotive pattern in her birth chart. Jupiter in Gemini leads the way as the locomotive, while Mercury in Aquarius is the caboose. 

The Splash

The planets in this pattern are sprinkled more or less evenly around the Horoscope. Individuals with this pattern have a profusion of experience. These individuals can diffuse their energy over a wide area or among a large number of people.

A great example of the Splash pattern is the French politician and physician Bernard Kouchner, who co-founded Doctors without Borders.

Bernard Kouchner’s Birth Chart

Bernard Kouchner, who was born on November 1, 1939 at 6:00 AM in Avignon, France, certainly did diffuse his energy in a wide area and among a large number of people as the co-founder of Doctors without Borders. 

The Seesaw

This pattern has two groups of planets opposing one another; it indicates a duality within. The individual may feel they are bouncing around in two worlds that are dynamically opposed to one another. Those with this pattern can be great mediators, judges, and administrators, because they view things objectively and are well aware there are two sides of your own nature. Barack Obama is a wonderful example of the Seesaw Pattern.

Barack Obama’s Birth Chart 

In Barack Obama’s 1995 memoir, Dreams of My Father, you’re taken on a journey that explores Obama’s complex identity as a biracial individual when he reflects on his multicultural upbringing, and the complexities of race identity and belonging. 

Obama was born on August 2, 1961 at 7:24 PM, in Honolulu, Hawaii.  

Note the weight of the western hemisphere (see western hemisphere above for meaning)

Now Onto the Charts Dominating Energy 

After considering the influence of the hemispheric division and overall design in the horoscope, you’re ready to discover the chart’s dominant element and modality. You can find out how to easily do this by reading What’s the Dominating Energy in Your Birth Chart




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