Scorpio Season’s 2024 Bitter-Sweet, Cobweb-Festooned Sky

The phoenix is a legendary creature that lives through cycles of life, death, and rebirth.
Like Scorpio, it shows us how to rise from the ashes, leaving the old behind to start anew.

Scorpio Season 2024

Early on October 22nd the Libra Sun, on the final degree of Libra, Squares off with the Lord of the underworld, Pluto, on the final degree of Capricorn, giving us a prelude of what’s to come during Scorpio Season. The Sun is still testing Pluto when it arrives in Scorpio later that day. 

Sun enters Scorpio on October 22, 2024 at 6:19 PM ET

Scorpio Season 2024 begins with a Sun in Scorpio square, the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto, on the final degree of Capricorn. The square can bring the shadowy side of authority figures, power players, and financial systems to your conscious attention, and as tensions erupt they will call for some strategic planning related to how to move forward.  

The Cancer Moon completes a Grand Water Trine with Mercury in Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces. Mars in Cancer, moving into opposition with Pluto, is also trine Neptune in Pisces and sextile Uranus in Taurus, while Uranus is sextile Neptune in Pisces.  Mars, Uranus, and Neptune are forming a Minor Grand Trine. It seems during Scorpio Season 2024 flowing emotions will open peoples eyes and bestow the world with extra initiation, inspiration, and motivation, which is meant to encourage us to roll the dice and try something new. 

Then on October 28th, Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces. Venus in Sagittarius is adventurous and finds value in freedom, openness, and the ability to explore options. This square challenges you to get out of your comfort zone, surrender things out of your control and find peace with the unknown. (Note: An adventure is defined “as an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous experience or activity.”)

More Tricks Than Treats?


Halloween wraps fear in innocence, as though it were a slightly sour sweet. Let terror, then, be turned into a treat…” ~ Nicholas Gordon



Mercury in Scorpio reaches its exact opposition to Uranus in Taurus on October 30th. With Mercury in Scorpio testing Uranus in Taurus, then harmonizing brilliantly with Neptune in Pisces on October 31st. This Halloween you could feel caught up in a mysterious web where anything is possible.

Get ready for a melodramatic Halloween. Trick or treaters and party goers are in store for some unusual happenings. So, free your mind, be creative, go with the flow, but think before you speak and know that you could be subjected to some practical jokes and also enjoy playing tricks on others. 

A Powerful Scorpio New Moon 


Scorpio New Moon – November 1, 2024 at 8:47 AM ET

Friday, November 1, 2024 hosts the Scorpio New Moon. This New Moon has a conflicted supporting cast of planets that encourage you to make significant moves while at the same time warning you to guard against any overly aggressive tendencies. You’re likely to notice an intense desire for control that can lead to power struggles. 

Grand Water Trine, Kites, Mystic Rectangle, and Envelope Patterns

Relax and take a moment to look at the visual web of astrological aspects in the Scorpio New Moon chart. Note the Water Grand Trine formed by Mercury, Mars and Neptune, with Pluto and Uranus forming two high-flying Kite Patterns. The Pluto/Mars and Mercury/Uranus oppositions bring a much-needed polarity that puts the otherwise emotional and dreamy Water Grand Trine into an “if you can dream it, you can do it” powerhouse New Moon that’s fueled by transformative Pluto and revolutionary Uranus. Also note the Mystic Rectangle composed of two trines, two sextiles and two oppositions which should provide a sort of buffer to the tensions that arise. Neptune in Pisces converts the Mystic Rectangle into a rare Envelope pattern with Neptune as the sweet spot between tension and support.

On this Scorpio New Moon

“have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.” ~ Abraham Lincoln 

On November 2nd Mercury enters Sagittarius. You and everyone will be more vocal and on the hunt for truth and understanding.  

Mars Opposite Pluto: Powerful, Intense, and Potentially Dangerous


Although we’ve felt and experienced Mars inching toward the exact opposition for a while and had reached 29° Cancer at the Scorpio New Moon, on November 3, 2024, Mars, at 29°45 Cancer, is exactly Opposite Pluto at 29°45 Capricorn. Mars and Pluto, both at the “anaretic” degree (the degree of Fate or Karma,) signal a crisis of sorts. And due to Mars turning retrograde on December 6th, the intensity of this powerful and potentially dangerous opposition will be maintained for the remainder of 2024 until late April 2025. 

This foretells an extended period of heightened tension and conflict, both global and personal. Nations and governments may face confrontations that challenge the status quo. Additionally, people may react strongly to perceived threats. Take care because this can lead individuals to destructive behaviors and governments to acts of destruction. 

If that weren’t enough, on November 4th, Mars arrives in fiery Leo, which is likely to fire up passions and increase tensions. While Mars in Leo trine Mercury in Sagittarius can have everyone melodramatically voicing their thoughts and opinions, with the Mars/Pluto opposition involved there could also be some dramatic physical altercations.  

As we all know, the 2024 US Presidential Election voting comes to an end the night of November 5, 2024. 

Although the tensions and conflicts continue there are few major planetary alignments until November 9th when Venus in visionary Sagittarius makes a square to nebulous Neptune in Pisces. During this time imaginations are fired up, and misinformation could be rampant, so it’s important to remember that what you see, read, hear or imagine might not be the reality. On November 11th, when Venus enters disciplined Capricorn, we’ll begin to seriously evaluate what’s real, valuable, and important, and what’s not.    

The Shake, Rattle, and Roll Taurus Full Moon Face-Off 


2024 Taurus Full Moon – November 15 at 10:28 ET

Friday, November 15th is an eventful day. The Full Moon in Taurus is conjunct radical and determined Uranus in Taurus. Saturn in Pisces resumes forward motion, squared off against both Jupiter Rx in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius. It occurs to me that when Saturn turns direct, Saturn’s Piscean sea wall will break, but in any case you can bet something earth-shaking is underway. 

Take care because nerves will be on edge. Although it could be a challenge, be as objective and detached as you can, preserve your sense of self, without denying your feelings, and give others due respect. This precarious social balancing act will be particularly important on November 16th when the Scorpio Sun is exactly opposite unpredictable Uranus in Taurus. Expect some plot twists, polarizations and a lot of mud throwing.

On November 18th hopes are finally raised by two major alignments: Mercury’s opposition with Jupiter, and the Sun’s trine to Neptune. Expect some interesting and perhaps nonsensical conversations. But don’t believe what you hear without verifying its truth and accuracy. 

Pluto In Aquarius is Finally Born  

After many attempts, on November 19th Pluto finally exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius where it will stay until 2043. Pluto in Aquarius signifies a long-term shift towards societal transformation and technological advancements.

“New beginnings are often described as painful endings.” ~ Laozi

Read: A Peek Inside Pandora’s Box ~ Pluto in Aquarius

Note: Sagittarius Season begins on the afternoon of Thursday, November 21st. 

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