“There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
The Autumn Equinox
On September 22nd, when the Sun enters Libra, autumn officially begins with the just and fair Libra Sun opposite nebulous and self-sacrificing Neptune at 28° Pisces. This opposition transforms a glorious Grand Trine… Libra Sun Trine Gemini Moon, and also Trine Pluto at the last degree of Capricorn … into a Kite Pattern. These energies hold great promise. They indicate self-sacrifice, sophisticated social skills, cleverness, and resilience. These are the qualities needed to face and overcome many of your current challenges. Still, the autumn equinox horoscope contains areas of potential difficulty… indicating a need to be cautious.
“The planet at the Kite’s tail (in this case Neptune in Pisces) works like a tension ruler opposite the small triangle in the other half of the horoscope. This is where its needs and latent abilities make their presence felt. This planet usually indicates the task to be accomplished by the opposition. It is also called the peak planet, where everything in the Kite astrology aspects points or is oriented. The other three planets must work towards the development of the peak planet. – Source
Autumn Equinox Horoscope – Sunday September 22, 2024 just after 8:43 AM EDT
The Magic of 29°
Venus, the ruler of the Libra Sun, is at the final degree of Libra where she tests Pluto at the equally delicate and karmic last degree of Capricorn. The magic of 29° is that the planet can change how you perceive things, and what you believe and care about. You could say the magic of 29° is that it signifies “out with the old and in with the new beginning.”
“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”
~ The Great Gatsby, by F Scott Fitzgerald ~
Let’s just say: It’s time to get over it (whatever “it” is for you) and move on! This is not the time to get bogged down in the past. Rather, see this as an opportunity to make amends, repay a debt, and question your understanding, motives, and goals for the future. If these energies are harnessed and your intentions are good, the sky is limitless this fall.
Venus enters Scorpio on Monday September 23rd, bringing deeply emotional and complex undertones to all relationships and negotiations. Take care because relating freely, without expectation or keeping score, is likely to be a recurring challenge during the next four weeks.
As Fate would have it, also on September 23rd, the waning Gemini Moon and Jupiter in Gemini join forces and lift spirits. Still, with Virgo Mercury’s opposition to Neptune in Pisces there could indicate be some mental confusion, perhaps due to misinformation. But with Mercury in Virgo forming a Grand Earth Trine with Uranus Rx in Taurus, and Pluto RX in Capricorn, it’s certainty possible you could feel enough inner security to suddenly see things from a unique and transformative, but earthly perspective and have a radical change of mind.
During the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer on Tuesday the 24th. You’ll be seeing things in a broader context and let go of what no longer serves a purpose.
Early on Monday the 30th, the going is slow. A discriminating Virgo Moon is at odds with a “cream puff” Saturn at 28° Pisces. So, try to get real and not be misled by by what you read or hear. Interact with others, ask questions, share ideas, gain insights, and knowledge … then make up your own mind. Take it easy on Tuesday October 1st. Why? Because under the darkening Moon, your energy naturally wanes.
Libra New Moon
The Libra New Moon on October 2nd is also a solar eclipse. This solar eclipse New Moon could spark more realizations, revelations and redirections. Although momentum could be slow to develop. The beginning of this new Lunar cycle is also enhanced by a Water Grand Trine featuring Scorpio Venus, Pisces Saturn, and Cancer Mars all working together. This Water Grand Trine speaks of intense emotions, taking your dreams seriously, and acting to making them a reality. Interestingly, Black Moon Lilith is almost exactly conjunct this New Moon. Lilith in Libra can bring to light “issues of inequality and corruption and challenge traditional norms & structures within governmental institutions.”

The weekend of October 5th and 6th the Mars pre-retrograde shadow period begins and the waxing Scorpio Moon holds hands with Venus and trines Mars in Cancer, making for intensely emotional interactions. My advice, take care, slow down, and watch your mouth, because Mercury is in a testy relationship with Mars. This increases the risk of an accident or saying things that could get you in trouble. Sunday morning could also include an unplanned or chaotic event.
The work week will get off to an bumpy. Some projects will easily move ahead while others get bog down. So be patient. Tuesday, October 8th, features welcome good news. This is a good time to get out and about and talk to friends.
Jupiter in Gemini begins a lengthy retrograde on Wednesday October 9th. Jupiter, the planet of law, politics, religion, higher education and foreign lands, remains retrograde until early February of 2025. During this time the sky encourages you to do some serious introspection on where you stand on legal and political issues as well as international affairs. Keep in mind that politics can take a toll on friendships. So shy away from controversial topics especially during Thursday, October 10th’s First Quarter Moon in Capricorn.
The morning of Friday, October 11th, the Capricorn Moon merges with Pluto. Best advice … guard against controlling and manipulative behavior, but trust your gut and connect the dots. That evening Pluto in Capricorn resumes forward motion, setting the stage for significant conversations in the coming days.
Over the weekend of October 12th and 13th a waxing Aquarius Moon may have you thinking about the future. Enjoy a pleasant and people friendly Saturday, because Sunday morning has more challenging vibes. As Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio, some individuals will be walking on thin ice, so be tactful and don’t jump to conclusions.
By Sunday afternoon the Moon in Aquarius will move into a Grand Air Trine with “lucky” Jupiter in Gemini and the friendly Libra Sun. So everybody is likely to be more generous and forgiving with words and deeds.
Emotional levels surge on Tuesday October 15th. The Moon is waxing full and Venus is Scorpio moves into a Grand Water Trine with Neptune in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. This can be an emotionally intense day when you withdraw from what is and dream of what could be.
Aries Full Moon
The powerful Full Moon in Aries is exact on Thursday October 17th. The Sun and Moon are also at odds with the Mars/Pluto opposition, creating a Grand Cardinal Cross (a Cardinal Grand Cross correlates to the need to initiate and take action.) Battle lines are being drawn and necessity can lead to unusual and out of blue alliances. Advice … proceed with caution and let Venus’ entry into Sagittarius on that same day free your adventurous spirit.

Here’s hoping the last few days of the Libra season are comparatively mellow.
The Sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday October 22, 2024. Stay tuned for Scorpio Season 2024