Map copyright at EU. Can be used if attributed.
China is the world’s third largest country in the world in area at 3,700,000 square miles. It is also the second most populous with a population of 1, 425,000,000. About a third of its citizens practice Buddhism while a quarter are not religious. (Wikipedia, “China”)
It has the second largest economy by nominal GDP (Gross Domestic Product), the market value of all goods and services in a year. China accounts for about 18% of the global economy. It consists of public sector, state and mixed owned enterprises, and a large private sector. (WikiMili, “Economy of China”)
23% of the labor force is in agriculture, 32% in industry, and 45% in services. China’s main industries are technology, mining/ore processing, machine building, renewal energy, armaments*, textiles, apparel, cement, chemicals, fertilizer, footwear, toys, electronics, A-I, IT, agribusiness, automobiles, railcars, locomotives, ships, aircraft, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, satellites, and space launch vehicles. (Ibid)
*As of October 2023, China has the world’s largest number of ships —370 surface ships and submarines– in its navy. The U.S. has about 292.
Xi Jinping, President and General Secretary of China

Xi Jinping has been the leader of China (president and General Secretary) since 2013. His father once had been deputy prime minister and a comrade of Mao. However, he lost favor, was purged, and Xi was sent to a rural province for six years where he performed manual labor. (Britannica, “Xi Jinping, President of China”)
Xi studied chemical engineering in college, was secretary to the vice premier, a deputy secretary in Hebei province, vice mayor of Xiamen, and governor of Fujian. His tasks there included cooperation with Taiwan, and conservation. Continuing an upward climb, he became party secretary in the province of Zhejiang. Xi’s duties included rebuilding infrastructure and making it sustainable. He was also party secretary in Shanghai and helped to rehab the city’s financial image. In 2008 he was elected Vice President of China and focused on conservation and international relations. In 2010 Xi became Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission and in March 2013 was elected President of China. (Ibid)
Xi began an anti-corruption campaign after getting control of the reins of power. It saw the removal of thousands of officials both high and low. (Ibid)
Jinping exercises tight censorship controls, and this includes social media. Wikipedia has been blocked. Bloggers are instructed to not write about politics. (Wikipedia, “Xi Jinping”)
In foreign affairs Jinping became more assertive. He claimed the entire South China Sea was China’s. Xi promoted the initiative One Belt, One Road for joint trade, infrastructure, and development with European, Asian, and African countries. (Britannica)
Xi’s ideology has been enshrined like Mao’s. This is part of a cult of personality. The constitution was amended to allow him a third term as president. (Wikipedia)
Horoscope and Analysis
Xi Jinping was born on June 15, 1953, time unknown. A Gemini, his versatility is shown by the number of different jobs he held on his rise to power. Jinping’s Moon is most probably in Leo. Notable features in his chart include a powerfully aspected Sun with an out of sign Mars conjunction (Mars is at 0 d Cancer), and trines to Saturn and Neptune.
The Sun/Mars joining will give him drive, energy, and make him a risk taker. The Saturn trine adds structure and organizational ability, particularly with a Leo Moon. The trine of Neptune may soften his rough edges (see paragraph below about Mercury), add some sensitivity and give a love of music. (Café Astrology, Sun-Neptune Aspects)
Xi has Venus in Taurus. This position tends to permanence in relationships. Jinping’s spouse has been his only marital partner. She is a former folk singer. [Moon in the sign of show business, Venus in Taurus rules the throat]
Jinping’s Mercury, the ruler of his Sun Sign, is in Cancer. It is square Saturn making him a bit hard and scheming. This is further exacerbated by the square from Neptune which adds deception, either to self or others.