Our Neighbor Mexico and its New President

Mexico, our neighbor to the south, is shaped like a rough triangle and is comprised of 32 states. It is 1,850 miles long and as of 2022 had a population of 127, 504, 125. (The World Bank:  Population Total-Mexico).  The GDP is around $1.629 trillion or $15, 113 per person. (Wikipedia) By way of contrast, that of the United States was $25.44 trillion in 2022. (The World Bank: Data: GDP)

One fifth of the land in Mexico is arable, and about that same fraction of workers are employed in the agricultural sector. Crops include corn, sugarcane, wheat, sorghum, tomatoes, bananas, chilis, beans, barley, avocados, squash, agave, coffee, and citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes). Because of its growing population, Mexico imports grains. (Britanica, Mexico: Demographic Trends)

Mexico is the world’s leading producer of vanilla. Cotton is a major crop. Limited ranching is done in the north, more in tropical areas in the Gulf Coast and Southern Highlands. (Ibid)

Tequila is Mexico’s national drink. It takes its name from the town of the same name in Jalisco. It is derived largely from the agave plant. Another agave spirit is mescal. (Ibid)

The Mexican economy depends largely on trade. Transportation, finance, government, and trade account for about two thirds of GDP. Manufacturing is about one fifth. (Ibid)

Claudia Sheinbaum, The New President

On June 3, 2024, Claudia Sheinbaum garnered about 60% of the vote to win the election for president of Mexico. “She is a physicist with a doctorate in energy engineering,” a former mayor of Mexico City, one of the world’s most populous cities, and part of a team of scientists who won the Nobel Peace Prize for their work on how to mitigate climate change. (CNN World: “She is set to be Mexico’s first female president,” by Kathleen Magramo, Karol Suarez, and Tara John, June 3, 2024.)

As mayor of Mexico City, Sheinbaum reformed waste management, began a reforestation program, and invested heavily in transportation and infrastructure. (Britanica, “Claudia Sheinbaum, president-elect of Mexico”) Sun in Cancer-conservation of resources, Mercury in Gemini – transportation.

Claudia’s grandparents emigrated from Lithuania and Bulgaria and were Jewish. Her mother was a biologist while her father was a chemical engineer. (Wikipedia)

Horoscope and Analysis

Claudia Sheinbaum was born on June 24, 1962, at noon.  Her natal chart can be found at the All Famous website where her Moon is shown to be at the end of Pisces. Virgo rises. Her Cancer Sun is in the 10th House of Career and standing in the community.

Jupiter, the planet of the higher mind, is also in Pisces. With the Moon there too, it can be safely said Sheinbaum has many charitable impulses and wants to help the less fortunate.

Claudia’s Mercury is in logical, rational Gemini.  It is in its own sign and is the final dispositor. All other planets in the chart are under its sway.  It is heavily aspected. There is a wide sextile from Venus, a square from Jupiter, a trine of Saturn, and a square of Pluto. It is located in the house of higher education.

The square of Jupiter might cause her to take too broad an outlook or occasionally make a poor decision. The Pluto square can add a probing temperament while the trine of Saturn will enable her to subject everything to logical analysis and act as a kind of governor.

With Saturn in Aquarius, a Virgo Ascendant, Pluto there too, a powerful Mercury, and Neptune in Scorpio, it is not surprising Sheinbaum leans to science and has a Ph.D from UC Berkeley.

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