When an irresistible force such as Jupiter and Uranus
Meets an old immovable object like Taurus
You can bet just as sure as you live
Somethin’s gotta give, somethin’s gotta give, somethin’s gotta give
Jupiter will conjunct Uranus at 21° Taurus on April 20, 2024. It could bring opportunities for growth and expansion in technologies that will revolutionize the world, but I can only imagine what else might happen when these two collide in Taurus. Certainly, the conjunction will shatter Taurus’ ground and force the bull to overcome its fear of the unknown and adapt to massive changes, many of which are already in the works.
Taurus is the fixed earth sign that represents stability, comfort, peace, pleasure, and stubbornness. You could say it’s rooted or grounded like a big, beautiful tree in the forest. Taurus’ greatest insecurity is the uncertainty about and fear of change.
Uranus, the modern ruler of the fixed air sign Aquarius, is a transpersonal planet that correlates to change, liberation, innovation, envisioning the future, breaking the rules, and revolution. Uranus also governs technological innovation (AI) Uranus has been moving through Taurus since 2018, destabilizing everything Taurus represents: our Natural world, material world, and values, including inner wealth and resources. Uranus in Taurus has brought uncertainty about life as we know it.
Jupiter moved into Taurus on May 16, 2023. Jupiter is a social planet representing society’s tendency to expand, extend borders, explore new territories, and integrate knowledge to understand the world. Jupiter governs long-distance and foreign travel, big business and wealth, higher education, religion, governments, and the law.

Examples of Jupiter/Uranus in Taurus Already in the Works
One can only imagine what fall-out there will be from the upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, but it’s likely to set off explosives under some things already in the works. Shock and awe are characteristically Jupiter/Uranus.
Breaking the Rules and Extending Borders?
I immediately ponder the current US border crises and the ongoing Israel-Hammas and Russian-Ukraine wars and imagine what could happen when Jupiter meets Uranus in Taurus. Boom!!!
Space the Final Frontier
It’s time to “seek out new life and civilizations, to explore new worlds and bravely go where no man has ever gone before!” Even now, you can book a 2024 space flight for $125,000, and this could undoubtedly get Taurus off the ground and out of this world! Of course, if you have more money, you can go higher and stay longer. That sounds like Jupiter, the adventure and explorer, holding hands with Uranus, “the way of the future,” sparking cautious Taurus (fixed earth) to take to the skies.
The Catholic Church
Pope Francis began 2024 by asking church leadership to open up greater spaces and roles of responsibility for women in the church. He highlighted women’s central role in salvation history and their continuing role in bringing peace to the world.
Uranus is breaking down (perhaps shattering) religious (Jupiter) barriers, and Jupiter is broadening the role that women play in the Catholic church (and the world.)
For decades, women have been pushing to be Catholic Church priests. The Pope’s request has me pondering the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction sextile the Pisces Neptune/Mars conjunction in the chart above. Will the Catholic Church soon begin to ordain female priests? Perhaps this upcoming conjunction will light a fire under the Catholic Church and move it into the 21st Century.
The Legal Profession
Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, governs the law, and Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, governs technological innovation. Remember Pluto in Aquarius and AI?
On Sunday, December 31, 2023, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts said in a year-end report that “the legal profession is, in general, notoriously averse to change” (much like Taurus) And that the use of “Artificial intelligence represents a mixed blessing for the legal field.” He went on to urge “caution and humility” as the evolving technology transforms how judges and lawyers do their work. You can read Robert’s full report here.
Jupiter Uranus Conjunctions in Taurus
Jupiter and Uranus form a conjunction about every 14 years, and they form a conjunction in Taurus every 84 years or so.
The 1941 Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in Taurus Fallout
The last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus became exact on 9th May 1941. It was part of a huge stellium with Venus, Mercury, Sun, and Saturn all in Taurus. Just weeks later, Alan Turing finally succeeded in cracking the code of the German Enigma Machine. Then, on December 7, 1941, a Japanese surprise attack on the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. into World War II.
The 1181 Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in Taurus Fallout
While researching, I discovered (Thanks to Adam Elenbaas) that they met in Taurus in the summer of 1181 and stayed very near one another the entire year, coming back together in December of 1181. Adam mentions two interesting things that happened that year.
Supernova 1181
A massive supernova explosion occurred in the sky in 1181. It was first seen in early August and was visible and motionless against the fixed stars for 185 days. This Supernova certainly would have “stunned and frightened stargazers.” On the other hand, witnessing this long-lasting Supernova could have tremendously broadened their minds, expanded their thinking, and made them realize there was much more than the world they lived in.
Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi was born in 1181. Saint Francis, the Patron of ecology, was a Catholic iconoclast who rejected his wealth to live a simple life. He was known for ministering to the poor and underprivileged and caring for nature and animals. Interestingly, St Francis’ birth chart has a Moon, Uranus, and Jupiter conjunction in Taurus.
Perfect Partners?
The combination of the rulers of Sagittarius, a fire sign, and Aquarius, an air sign, seems a positive, exciting, and enthusiastic match. Think exploration, innovation, and the quest for knowledge and meaning combined with the drive for revolutionary change. Most astrologers are putting a positive spin on this conjunction. It is the most important transit of the year and a significant turning point, a new beginning for Jupiter and Uranus. Still, the backdrop to this Jupiter/Uranus meetup is the second entry of Pluto into Aquarius on January 20th, 2024.
With Pluto in Aquarius in the background and Jupiter conjunct Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, as the driving force, the excitement could lead to a now-or-never feeling and disregard for the consequences. Yes, Jupiter and Uranus operating together can bring unintended and destructive consequences. So, as Steven Forrest says, “Let the Fireworks Begin!”