Santa’s Letter to MAAS

Happy Holidays MAAS,

This is Santa Claus, and I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that due to being long past my Uranus return, I’ve become an honorary member of MAAS. Patricia tells me I was born on December 23, 1832, in Troy, New York, at 4:49 PM LMT. I have a Capricorn Sun and Virgo Moon, with Cancer Rising and Jupiter in Cancer on the ASC. (My birth chart and a note from Patricia are below.)

Note from Patricia: The Night Before Christmas, originally titled A Visit From St Nicholas, gave birth to our modern-day Santa. This iconic poem was first published on December 23, 1823, in the Troy, New York, Sentinel. The Santa we all know was born on that date and in that place, but what time was he born? With some “quick and imaginative” rectification, I decided Santa was most likely born when the planet Jupiter, our “cosmic Santa Claus,” was rising. A “chubby and plump, right jolly old elf” who travels around the world in one night with a bundle of gifts “flung on his back” aptly describes his Jupiter in Cancer Rising.

Currently, I live with Mrs. Claus at the North Pole (near the same place my story began) and have a toy factory where my elves work all year long, creating gifts for me to deliver to all the children of the world on Christmas Eve. But before my rebirth in 1823, I lived in Northern Lapland and was a shaman of the Sami reindeer herders.   

As a Sami Shamen, I performed healing rituals using the large red and white spotted hallucinogenic mushroom, Fly Agaric. Then, at the Winter Solstice, I went from yurt to yurt, dropping these magic mushrooms down chimneys to families. My Life changed forever when I was immortalized in the poem “The Night Before Christmas.” This was when I became the Sami shaman to the world.

I believe the magic Fly Agaric mushroom and my life as a Sami shaman led Clement Moore to visualize me as a rosy-cheeked “right jolly ole elf” dressed in a red coat and pants trimmed with white fur. And it was my Winter Solstice healing journey to distribute magic mushrooms as gifts that led him to imagine me flying around the world riding in a sleigh pulled by eight flying reindeer… entering and exiting each home by the chimney with a bundle of toys flung on my back and filling stockings hung by the chimney.

This video, The Magic Mushroom Christmas, explains how my past life as a Sami shaman and a magic mushroom that produced various mystical states and conditions transformed me into the Santa you know and love today and inspired most of your fantastical Christmas traditions.

 Strange and humbling, my image has become a beloved symbol of Christmas that stands in tandem with images of the Baby Jesus, the Star of Bethlehem, and the Three Wise Men.

It’s my hope that you all have a Magical, Mystical Holiday Season!!!

Be Happy and Stay Jolly, 

Santa Claus

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