The History of the Future

Nostradamus: How Did He Do It?

Tool 1: Psychic Ability

by Larry A. Filoso, February – July 2023

Daydreaming is one of the first steps that a psychic uses to train themselves to dream while being half-awake. First they practice doing what you just did in the exercise. After successfully daydreaming, they move to the second step. They don’t tell their mind what to think or to picture. Instead they empty their mind of all thoughts and wait until an image pops into their head in response to a question.

At this point you might be asking yourself “What the heck does all of this have to do with Nostradamus?” Michel de Nostredame, his given name, had very advanced and well-practiced psychic abilities. 

He had moved to the third step, something called astral projection. The word “astral” is the adverb form of the Latin word “aster” meaning “star”. This is the root of the words “astrologer” and “astronomer”.

As the term implies, he learned to project his consciousness (mind) out of his body and up toward the stars. He would not think of an image, he would wait until it appeared to him like a dream, then he was able to describe it to someone next to his body. Once his mind found the right time and/or place, it could float downward to get a closer look. Another term for this is clairvoyance.

One of his contemporaries, Ronsard, wrote a poem in 1557 about Michel after one of his predictions about a flood came true. “…or perhaps it is the immense eternity of the great God that has aroused the fervor of Nostradamus… or perhaps by nature his soul suddenly soars to the skies, beyond mortals, and from there repeats to us prodigious facts…” [1]

Nostradamus isn’t the only one in history to demonstrate this ability of astral projection or out-of-body experience. There have been more recent examples.

The 1984 PBS documentary “NOVA: The Case of ESP” [2] interviewed physicists Dr. Russell Targ and Dr. Harold Puthoff who had been performing scientific research into this phenomenon for ten years at Stanford Research Institute in California. Their star subject was a Dallas, Texas police commissioner named Pat Price.

They gave Mr. Price only a piece of paper with the latitude and longitude of a random location unknown to him, and nothing else. He relaxed and went into this “psychic mode”; some call it a trance or self-hypnosis. His astral projection would then look down from the sky at that place and he would sketch and describe to the researchers what he saw. 

In this experiment, the descriptions and drawings made by Mr. Price were surprisingly accurate in 6 of 7 tries. Did he always get everything exactly correct? Nope, but he was accurate enough to convince those scientists. They called this phenomenon “remote viewing” rather than astral projection. Business and the government were very interested in these experiments. [3]

For years, open-minded police have sometimes utilized the unique talents of psychics to help them solve crimes.

Susy Smith authored a book in 1965 titled “The Enigma of Out-of-Body Travel” in which she documented many case studies of people “…who have been able to prove by citing information they could not otherwise have obtained, that while their bodies were in one place, they were in another!”.  [4]

Many people who die, but then after a few minutes are resuscitated, report a similar experience. After they are brought back to life they have a memory of floating up to the ceiling and looking down at their body.Lest you think that all of this psychic stuff is nonsense, for at least a century many of those at the highest levels of our government (and other governments) have consulted with psychics to help them plan for the future and to protect their citizens. [5]

1 –Edgar Cayce from The New York Times, October 1910 Public Domain

Probably the most famous American who had these faculties was born on a farm in rural Hopkinsville, Kentucky on March 18, 1877. His name was Edgar Cayce. The New York Times once named him “the most fascinating man in America”. 

His long-lasting fame may have been enhanced by the fact that all of his psychic work was documented and is preserved in a library in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Cayce would lie down and go into a hypnotic trance. Someone would ask him a question, and Cayce would “see” in his mind, and answer the questioner. He called this a “reading”. He was called “The Sleeping Prophet”.

Have you ever had a dream just before you awoke that seemed much more real than other dreams and was easy to remember? You may have been in a similar hypnotic state.

At least one American president, Woodrow Wilson, sought Cayce’s counsel, as did wealthy patrons and Wall Street barons who made millions from his advice. [6]  Like other psychics, Edgar Cayce was not always correct. Weather forecasts are not always correct, but they are still useful.

Notice in Cayce’s chart that the planet Uranus, symbolic of the Age of Aquarius, is rising directly on his Ascendant. Uranus is the planet of Astrology, and Cayce used astrology in his readings. It’s in close square to Pluto the planet of deep secrets and abilities in the 10th house representing the sky.

The Moon is within 1° of the cusp of the 10th house, the Midheaven. Nostradamus’s Sun is within 1° of his Midheaven. The 10th house also signifies fame. Uranus is trine the Center of our Galaxy and Jupiter in the 5th house. Next to Jupiter is Mars in almost exact trine to the Moon.

There is a stellium in Pisces (the “psychic” sign). All but the Sun are conjunct within 6° of each other, and the Sun is square Jupiter and the Galactic Center. Neptune, co-ruler of Pisces with Jupiter, is in Taurus and is almost exactly trine Jupiter in Capricorn.

Cayce is most known for his ability to diagnose the cause of the disease of a patient who was hundreds or thousands of miles away from his location, using astral projection. He worked with several doctors, one of whom was Dr. Wesley H. Ketchum, M.D. who secretly consulted Cayce in over a hundred difficult-to-diagnose cases.

After years of working with him, the doctor became “convinced that Cayce’s mind travelled in space, settling in the immediate vicinity of the person he was reading for.[7]

Doesn’t this sound a lot like the poem about Nostradamus? These more recent examples give us an idea about one of the tools that Nostradamus used.

He calculated a chart for an unusual astrological configuration in the future, interpreted it using judicial astrology, and then tried to travel there via astral projection to experience the details of what would happen. Afterwards he or his assistant wrote down what he had seen.

In his Preface, Nostradamus compares himself with past seers and their use of astral projection “through the psychic ability by which they see distant things and come to foresee future events.“ [Leoni, pg 123:7]

Mainstream science has never been able to explain psychic phenomenon like astral projection, and therefore has rejected it. But now, cutting edge scientists are using “quantum coherent domains” in water to create the lightning-fast quantum computers of the future. This high-tech concept may also provide a scientific framework with which to explain psychic phenomenon like astral projection.

Credit: Arek Socha, Public Domain

Friends, strap-in for perhaps my weirdest
Crazy Weird Theory [CWT]:
In a future article I will detail my idea that astral projection and perhaps other psychic phenomenon occur when the psychic’s brainwaves resonate into standing waves within those quantum coherent domains. Water is the main ingredient in all living things, covers two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, and is in the sky as humidity and clouds.

Even though I might be far away, using my phone I can see who is on the porch at my house through my doorbell camera. I can look at recordings from that camera from two days ago. Coherent Domains may allow a psychic to see a location anywhere on the planet using water at that location as a “camera”. They may also be able to see past, present and future events using the same principle.

By connecting with the water within his subjects, was Cayce was able to see and understand the cause of their bodies’ disease? Water has memory. Perhaps what Cayce called the “Akashic Records” is stored in Earth’s water. 

Nostradamus wrote that keeping the water within our bodies pure and unpolluted increases our health (and perhaps our psychic abilities). In astrology, water signs symbolize psychics and dreams.

Quantum physicists tell us that crystals also contain “coherent domains”, and so do rocks such as obsidian and the limestone with which most megalithic monuments like the pyramids are built! Hmmm!

I believe that we all possess psychic capabilities. Some call them Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). In addition to astral projection, there are other forms: intuition, premonition, healing, visions and deja vu.

Some of us may be born with more psychic talent than others. But I believe that the more one practices, the better at it one becomes, just like any other skill. If you are interested in exploring and enhancing your psychic abilities, there are many resources. One of my favorite simple how-to books is titled “Methods of Psychic Development.” [8]

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall – Show the Future to Us All

Nostradamus wrote that he used a “burning” or “smoking” mirror to help him to get into that psychic frame of mind to see the future. [9]  He sometimes called it, in code, a “brass tripod”. This refers to a container filled with H2O and used by psychics in ancient times. The reflective surface of the water was used like a mirror.

We can learn more about how Nostradamus used his mirror by studying another seer who also used a similar one. John Dee was the younger English version of Nostradamus and one of his contemporaries and acquaintances. Dee was the astrologer and advisor to the British Queen Elizabeth I. Nostradamus was the astrologer, advisor and doctor to the French King Henry II and Queen Catherine de’ Medici.

Professor Dee was a mathematical genius (he attended Cambridge University at age 15). He was also an astrologer, but he needed the help of psychic Edward Kelley who used Dee’s special “time machine” mirror to see the details of the future. Kelley would gaze into the mirror and get into that “psychic mode”. Dee’s mirror is now displayed in the British Museum. [10]

John Dee’s mirror was made of polished black obsidian stone (which contains quantum coherent domains). It had been brought from the Aztecs of Mexico by the Spanish conquistadors to Europe and sold to collectors. [11]  The Aztec shaman used these precious, sacred “burning” or “smoking” mirrors to shift their consciousness, to “speak with the gods” and to foresee the future.

By the way, using astrology and this Aztec mirror, Dee and Kelley may have saved England by giving their Queen advanced warning of the coming sneak-attack by the more powerful Spanish Armada. This allowed the British Navy to catch them off guard. Dee was the first “007”. [12]

Nostradamus and Dee probably got their mirrors from the rulers of the Habsburg dynasty who were collectors. Both seers had given astrological readings for many of those rulers. [13]  “The Emperors from Maximilian I through to Rudolf II all collected New World curiosities for their wonder cabinets (Wunderkammern). Maximilian’s daughter, Margaret of Austria was one of the earliest collectors…

Ferdinand (1529-1595)… also placed great value on obtaining and exhibiting Americana. His most notable possessions included Aztec feather garments, headdresses, and shields.” [14]

Over two thousand years before the Aztecs, their ancestors the Olmecs created even more sophisticated mirror devices. They were made from a rock of iron ore and cut and polished to a flat mirror surface. Then they hollowed-out a bowl in the middle and polished it, which acted as a concave lens.

This multi-functional mirror was used not only for divination by the male and female shamans, but could be used as a magnifying glass and to start fires (they didn’t have lighters).

It was used to communicate over distances by flashing the sun’s reflection. They may have used them as compasses and telescopes.  [15]

Perhaps the fact that they could be used to start fires was one reason they were called “flaming” or “smoking” mirrors. Also, it was said that when gazing into them, the shaman saw flames and smoke.

In an exclusive forthcoming article on Precession and the Golden Age, I describe how the female and male shamans had elongated skulls. From birth the baby’s head would be tightly wrapped and squeezed so that as she grew up the back of her head became longer and longer.

In what my family and friends call one of my “Crazy Weird Theories” [CWT], I believe skull elongation (scientists call it “artificial cranial deformation”) has been performed on shamans all over the world for thousands of years to permanently change their brain functioning and dramatically increase their psychic abilities. [16]

Many dozens of these skulls have been found all over the world; in South America, and in sacrificial burials of shamans under the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Mexico. Archeologists in China found an elongated skull which is 12,000 years old [17],  and the Egyptian King Tut and his parents had elongated skulls. This practice is extinct today, but will be revived during The Golden Age of Aquarius.

Credit: Diego Delso, CC BY-SA-4.0, Wikimedia Commons

South of Mexico, the giant drawings on the high plains of Nazca, Peru, present a problem to modern investigators. From the ground, they look like just an ordinary network of walking paths across the landscape. It’s only from the air that one can identify the many animals and other shapes that these paths trace out on the desert floor.

How could they have drawn those huge images on the ground, which can only be identified from high in the sky, without airplanes or helicopters? [18]  One theory is that they used hot-air balloons, but no evidence of that technology has ever been found there.

Some experts even believe that some of these drawings represent star constellations. [19]

[CWT] Here’s my theory: Perhaps their shaman used a psychic “burning” mirror and astral projection to send her mind high into the sky.

From that vantage point her mind could look down at the work while her body on the ground in a trance could speak to and direct the workers. The ancestors of the Nazca people are called the Chavin, and sacred mirrors have been found in their graves. [20]

In Tool 2 of Nostradamus: How Did He Do It?, we’ll learn that Michel de Nostredame’s birth and his divinatory powers were predicted 19 years earlier. Was a famous Renaissance scholar looking for the “little prophet” when he found young Nostradamus? We’ll read how Michel learned the Celestial Science, and how one particular prediction catapulted him to fame.

References, Citations and Notes

All charts and planetary positions were calculated using Solar Fire version 9 in Windows. For citations from Edgar Leoni’s book, one of my main references, I specify the Century and Quatrain numbers for poems, or Page:Paragraph numbers for prose writings. Within my text, direct quotations from Nostradamus are printed in Red, usually with the citation source next to the quotation for easy reference.

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Nostradamus: How Did He Do It? (Tool 1) was published in the American Federation of Astrologers magazine “Today’s Astrologer” in the October 14, 2023 edition, Volume 85, Number 10 and the November 13, 2023 edition, Volume 85, Number 11.

The AFA was founded in 1938 to promote the art and science of astrology through education and research. It was the first American national astrological organization to administer certification examinations to encourage a high standard of professional ethics among astrologers.

© Copyright 2023 Larry A. Filoso

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