What’s the Dominating Energy in Your Birth Chart?

The astrological sign that underlies your birth chart, colors all your behaviors and reveals recurring themes in your life. It also reveals characteristics that are distinguishing factors in your nature. Your Sun carries a lot of weight and often its sign will be the dominant energy in your chart … and sometimes not. 

Elements and Modalities

As you know, there are twelve zodiac signs and each is influenced by two energies known as the elements and modalities. The elements and modalities are the defining factors that form the basis of each astrological sign’s definition. To discover the energy that underlies your birth chart, you’ll need to  determine your dominant element and modality. 

When you discover your dominant element and modality, you might be surprised at how the dominant energy is enhancing or complicating your life.  

Finding the Dominating Energy in Your Horoscope?  

Astrodienst is one of the most successful astrology sites on the internet and they provide a tool that can be used to find the dominating energy in your birth chart.

Note: You may have to sign up and create a password in order to use this tool. What follows is a step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Data Entry

First go to Astrodienst’s data entry page and input your birth data. In this step-by-step guide Donald Trump is used as an example.

Step 2: Chart Selection

Once you enter your birth data and click continue, you’ll be redirected to a page that looks like what’s below. On this page, under “Sections” select the  “Pullen/Astrolog” tab as noted in the image. 

Step 3: Select Type of Chart

Then, on the same page, move down to  “Chart type,” open the drop-down menu, scroll to the bottom, and select “Simple chart delineation by Walter Pullen,” then click on “Show the Chart” to see the chart details.

Step 4: Finding Your Dominants

There’s a lot of great information on this page, but don’t let what you see here overwhelm you, just scroll past the descriptions of your planetary placements and midpoints to just a little below halfway on the page, and you’ll find a chart that looks like the one below. Here you’ll find your dominant element (fire, earth, air or water) and your dominant modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable).

The Dominating Energy in Donald Trump’s Birth Chart 

In this example, Donald Trump’s dominant element is air and his dominant modality is cardinal. The cardinal air sign of the zodiac is Libra. 

Although Trump has a mutable Gemini Sun and Sagittarius Moon with a fixed Leo rising and Mars in Leo, he also has 6 planets in cardinal signs (Mercury, Saturn, and Venus in Cancer – Neptune, Chiron, and Jupiter in Libra.) The cardinal sign of Libra is the dominant underlying energy in his birth chart. This reveals that from his tit-for-tat behavior, his waffling, his untruthfulness, and avoidance of blame, to being extremely manipulative in tipping the scales in his favor many negative Libran qualities seem to underlie his behaviors.   

Don’t Underestimate Libra  

Did you  know that what once were the claws of constellation Scorpius were cut off by the Romans to form the arms of constellation Libra (Source). Don’t ever underestimate Libra, this friendly, charming, and sociable sign has claws that can rip you to shreds.

Your Dominating Energy

So, what’s the dominating energy in your birth chart? What does it say about you and how does it affect your behaviors? 

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