The Lunar Nodes
The Lunar Nodes are changing signs, the sky is changing focus, and the world’s striving for calm and patience (NN in Taurus) is giving way to gaining the courage to take decisive action (NN in Aries.)
The mean Lunar nodes entered the Aries/Libra axis on July 12th, 2023, and will be there until January 2025. When the Lunar nodes enter the SN Libra/NN Aries axis, it signals a time to pay more attention to issues around equality and the law (Libra is about justice) and release old habits pertaining to balance, compromise, and equality.
Venus Rerograde in Leo
Globally, this is the time when we’re more concerned with ensuring this for all people and coming to terms with ways we’ve failed in the past. Venus, the ruler of Libra, will be in Leo from June 5th to October 8th and will be retrograde from July 22 to September 3rd. The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, kicking off Venus in Leo’s turnaround!
Interestingly: “The Mayans venerated Venus as the basis of the god Kukulkan, elsewhere known as Quetzalcoatl. Unlike its modern, Western interpretation as the planet of love, the glittering orb was at that time associated with war.”
Aries North Node
The Aries North node is all about courage, action, and our fighting spirit. This is the sign that takes the initiative and doesn’t feel a need to be nice or wait for permission. So, with the NN in Aries, our collective direction for growth is to do just that! Act now! But how do we act? Mars is the planet of energy and action, and the ruler of Aries entered Virgo on July 10th and will be there until August 27th. Mars in Virgo is all about hard work and the need to do the right thing at just the right time.
Perhaps the right time has come…
On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned 50 years of precedent, overruling Roe v. Wade. In the year that followed that decision, the pace of new state legislation on the rights of a person to make autonomous decisions about their own body has been swift and created a lot of outrage.
Get Ready to Hear the Lions Roar!
My thought… Get ready to hear the Leo Lions take center stage and roar!!!
It could be that the summer of 2023 will be the summer that women, transgender individuals, and others (such as right-to-die groups) who want autonomy over their bodies and those who support them will begin loudly roaring for the freedom to govern their own bodies.
The perfect song for this period of time (July through October 2023) would be Katy Perry’s hit song “Roar”
Astrological Musings of Patricia Lantz